This is my site. Hello it is Bardock. I hope you enjoy my site. This is my first site so please be patient if links or other things on my site do not work. I will update almost everyday. More pictures and info will come. I rceived help on my site by DBZ level 5 to whom I am very grateful,Thank you. You will find this awesome site in my links ection. Now sit back and Enjoy.
10-1-01 Finally BARDOCKS domain is a reality!!! 10-9-01 I am adding another picture gallery. 10-9-01 The second picture gallery is up. 10-9-01 Work on the third picture galery has begun. 10-12-01 I have begun a character guide. 10-14-01 I an constructing a dragonball picture gallery and finishing the dbz third gallery. 10-31-01 Sorry for no updates. I can't update because my computer is down.
12-17-01Im back with new updates and maybe even a new picture gallery
I am so scared of BARDOCK
freeza ain't got nothin on bardock
I am going to add another pictures gallery
Disclaimer-This site is NOT trying to infringe on any copyrights. It is merely a fan site. The rights to Dragonball Z belong to Akira Toriyama, TOEI Animation, Bird Studios, Shoen Jump, and FUNimation.